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This Love Page 3

  He lets out a slow breath and reaches forward, sliding a strand of my hair through his fingers. The cheeky grin I’m getting used to seeing morphs into a very sexy, slow smile. “I like the way it sounds, Amber French.”

  I’m literally frozen to the spot, my tongue feels like it’s going to stick to the roof of my mouth, but I manage to make it work. “How does it sound?”

  “Like a name I should have been saying for longer than two days.”

  Hello? My knees give a wobble.

  Yep Danni is going to have a hissy fit when she finds out about this.

  My stunned silence must speak louder than words, because with a low chuckle, Freddy swiftly leans forward and presses his warm lips against my cheek. His chilled nose skims the surface of my skin. The lightest of touches that heats my face for a long while after. “Come on, Amber French. Lets go get wet and freezing. I'm hoping you might let me warm you up after.” He gives me a blatant wink and the cheeky grin is back making his flecked eyes dance in a way that causes my tummy to perform a resolute flip. My cheeks flush at the prospect of being warmed up by Freddy Bale. “With my car heater obviously,” he adds.

  “Yeah, car heater, right,” I mumble, as I slide behind him in the snow, pulling on my gloves and trying to cover every spare inch of skin that might get ice-burn on the way down the ride of hell.

  After ten minutes of intense physical exertion, we reach the top of the hill. Fitness isn’t my strong point on the best of days, even less so when inches of snow are creating an extra cardio work out. I’m humiliated to say I'm gasping for breath by the time we reach the summit of the moderate sized hill. Freddy is looking trim and super fit, his breath even as it mingles into the cold air. The skin on his fair cheeks is tinged pink from the sting of the biting wind. I’m sure I’m purple. This fact is confirmed when he turns to me and laughs out loud.

  “That’s rude,” I grumble in his direction, while waving my hands about and stamping my feet to try and get some circulation going. I don’t know how it’s possible to be freezing numb on the outside but sweating inside. I can’t feel my toes but my T-shirt is clinging to my skin. God, I’m so sexy.

  Freddy spins me a little so I’m facing him and rubs his hands up and down my arms to warm me. It’s not just my arms feeling warm. “You’re a feisty one aren’t you? I was just admiring your pink nose, it’s cute.”

  I’m one hundred percent sure that what I am looking right now is not cute. Bedraggled, wet and unfit would cover it better.

  What’s cute is him. His black jacket is zipped up tight making his fair hair stand out in contrast as it ruffles in the icy breeze. Honestly I’m wondering what it would be like to kiss him, to feel his hands on my skin, not on the outer layer of my clothing.

  I step away from his firm hands and peer down the hill. It looks steep and lined with death providing hedges and trees. “Yeah, you know. I’m not that sure about this now. You go down and I’ll watch.” This sounds like a much better plan than hurtling at high speeds towards enormous trees. I’m only tiny. I will be smashed to smithereens.


  “No, I just value my life and limbs.”

  “Amber French is scared,” he taunts. “Okay, come on, we can go down together.” Dragging the blue sledge, he guides me to the tilt of the hill. My stomach flips and not in the Freddy induced way of earlier. Now I feel like I might chuck.

  Laying the sledge on the snow, he lowers himself onto it, long legs tucked up. I can’t help but laugh. “Where exactly do you want me to sit?”

  In answer Freddy taps the space in front of his crotch. Okay then. I can face certain death for that. I try not to wave my arse in his face as I lower into the small space. Without hesitation his arms wrap tight around me as tight as an iron band, pulling me back into his granite chest. I can feel some definite bruises coming on, and not from careering head first into oak trees. Well if my time is up, then wrapped up tight in Freddy Bale’s arms is the only way to go. Yeah, I can be happy with that end.

  “Ready?” he breathes into my ear.

  “No, not at all.”

  Ignoring me, he pushes us off the edge and I grip onto his arms as we hurtle down the hill at a ridiculous speed. White hedges and giant mounds zoom towards us, and I give a few screeches as one bump sends us flying into the air. His arms tighten and I breathe along with the rise and fall of his chest.

  My heart is my throat as we come to the bottom and the sledge slowly grinds itself to a halt. Freddy instantly starts to laugh, his arms still tight around me. “What a rush,” he says into my hair, and a shiver not created by the cold weather runs along my spine.

  “Thank you for not killing me,” I say, although it’s a struggle to get the words out of my chest as my breath labours with the excitement and extreme relief that I’ve survived the experience.

  “If I had, then today would have been a futile waste of a plan.” His gloved finger trails along my jaw, titling my face around to face his. I twist slightly in my seat to accommodate his gentle touch.

  “What plan?”

  He doesn’t answer, he presses his lips against my mouth, a firm pressure that stops me from inhaling. The hand encased in soft leather holds me gently in place, preventing me from pulling away as he deepens the kiss. His lips meld perfectly against mine, kissing me like he’s never not known how to, his instincts mirroring my own. His tongue gently runs along the very edge of my mouth and cool air rushes between us, bringing with it a spine straightening pulse of desire. When I gasp, he pulls away; the speckled ocean blues hold me for the longest, stillest, moment and I gaze right back, frozen in place by his actions. His nose touches mine like an Eskimo kiss and it the most romantic thing I’ve ever known.

  “Amber French,” he sighs my name like it’s a secret he’s been caught keeping. “I really do think this could be something.” He pulls away slightly. “Does that sound crazy?”

  I think of the world of shit I’m going to be in with my parents when they realise I’ve bunked a day. I think of Danni’s face that will be mostly shock, mixed with a tinge of awe when I tell her how this morning I woke up, no sniff of a possible boyfriend in sight and right now Freddy Bale is telling me we could be something.

  Could we be something?

  Is that insane?

  Is that crazy?

  Mustering every single particle of bravery I contain within my chicken shit being, I lean towards him and run one of my own-gloved hands along the arch of his fair eyebrow. “It’s totally crazy.”

  He pulls away a fraction, but I launch myself with impressive speed into his arms, they automatically tighten around me. “Freddy Bale, I’m keen to find out if you are.”

  ‘Find out what?”

  ‘Find out what this could be.”

  I don’t say anything further because his mouth quickly finds mine again and I sit, drenched to the skin with melted snow, while Freddy Bale kisses me in a way I won’t ever forget.


  “How’s your phone?”

  “Huh?” I glance up at Danni perched on the end of my bed.

  “I’m just wondering how your phone is? You know, I’m guessing it must be broken, or you’ve lost connection, what with you checking it every three minutes.” Danni accompanies her snide dig with a snigger. It’s not the first time she’s commented on my almost borderline mobile phone obsession. My phone bill is going to be massive. Text costs ten pence a go. Ten pence for one hundred and twenty characters of Freddyness. Those characters are practically priceless.

  But I just need to check. You know, just in case he’s messaged.

  It’s only been five minutes.

  “Stop bitching.” Without her noticing I slide my phone under my pillow so if it should illuminate with a message, I will be able to see the green glow of the screen.

  It’s been a week since Freddy picked me up in the snow, and I am totally playing it cool. Okay, I am almost totally playing it cool.

  I have very clear phone rules i
n place, which means I am not allowed to message him should he not message me. And I am most definitely not allowed to ring him. Not since the time when his brother answered and I failed to speak and just made stuttering animal noises instead.

  “I know you're in love and all that, and no longer need food to survive, but I’m starving, are we going to order this pizza or not?”

  My screen glows and my chest tightens in an excited response.


  The tightening chest releases and sinks into disappointment. Today is Danni’s day. I made an erstwhile best friend promise that I can’t break. Monday nights is our night, always has been. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it's the pact our friendship is based on - those evening must be spent together and always have been since we started High School. Apart from last week when I didn’t see her Monday, Wednesday or Friday. And yes, I felt like a bitch. It’s just really hard to say no to a guy when he turns up looking all hot and sexy covered in car grease, hands stuffed in pockets and asks if you want to hang out. It’s really, really hard to say no to that. Especially when the hanging out contains hours of kissing.

  I shove the phone further under my pillow so I’m not tempted by any other texts and turn my attention to my friend. “I thought you were dieting?”

  Danni gives a groan and slides herself further down my bed until she’s practically horizontal. “What’s the point this close to Christmas?” She lifts her hips of the mattress and grabs a handful of arse. “And these saddle bags aren’t going anywhere this side of the New Year.”

  I laugh. “You don’t have saddle bags, your bottom is perfect.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I know you want me.”

  “I do, I do, there’s just no denying it.” I stab her with my big toe, which can just about reach her ribs.

  “Who wants who?” A blonde head ducks around the door.

  “What the?” I start to exclaim but my words are stopped in the most delicious way ever — with a kiss. My hands reach up and run through his hair. Either it’s raining or he has just showered,

  “Great.” I hear Danni mumble, and guilt rushes through me, along with a barrage of other emotions as I feel Freddy's lips against mine.

  Freddy smiles against my mouth. “Your mum let me up, I think I’m winning her over.”

  I cringe inwardly, it’s going to take more than seven days of a charm offensive for mum to be won over. It may take decades.

  “Well we were just going to have Monday night pizza,” I smile up at him, feeling like I’m going to burst inside. “Monday night is Danni and mine’s fat night.”

  Freddy’s eyes appraise me with appreciation and I glow under their attentive gaze. Everything feels like it fades into insignificance when he’s next to me. I very quickly realised after our first date in the snow that Freddy is magic. He makes all worries disappear. Schoolwork. . ? Not that important. Parents moaning about schoolwork. . ? A minor buzzing noise in my ear. Tardiness when I’m late everyday for school, due to procrastinating in his truck. . ? Not much of a worry.

  That’s after just a week.

  It’s too much too soon, I know that. My brain recognises it’s too much. I just can’t stop myself from feeling it. He makes me feel like I’m burning with life, every single fibre in my body comes alive when he’s here and for the last few days I’ve literally lived to see him, breathe him, touch him.

  “Listen.” I feel Danni move from her end of the bed. “I’ve got a headache, I’m gonna shoot.”

  “No, no. I only popped in to say hi. I can see you’re busy.” His eyes do the dance as he takes in our sprawled positions on my bed, not a study book open between us.

  Danni jumps up and grabs her bag, shoving her folder and neglected textbooks roughly in the opening. “I have got a headache, I’ll see you both in the morning, kay?”

  I wrestle up out of the bed and follow her through my bedroom door. “Hey, Danni, you okay?”

  She turns to me and for a split second I see an expression I can’t read on her face. “Yeah, just a headache.”

  “Okay, it’s just you didn’t mention a headache earlier.”

  She shrugs working the worn green carpet on the edge of the stairs with the tip of her trainer. “You know how it is.”

  I pull the door of the bedroom tightly shut and turn to face her. “What’s wrong, Danni? Don’t you like him?

  ‘Seriously? I need to say it? For God’s sake, Amber, you met him like a week ago and now it’s like your life is never going to be the same again. One week and he’s changed you beyond recognition. The Amber I know would never be late for school, would never skip handing homework in. Have you even looked at your Uni applications yet? It’s supposed to be sent in a matter of weeks, but you haven’t mentioned it for days, before, you didn’t shut up about dorm rooms, courses, kitchens, the hot guys you would meet.”

  “Shh.” I wave my hand at her.

  “Oh my God. Are we not allowed to even talk about boys now?” She gives her head a small shake. “Enjoy your evening, Amber.” And with that, she’s down the stairs and slamming out of the front door.

  Mum comes into the hallway and looks up quizzically. I give her a shrug hoping she won’t ask why my best friend and I have just had our first ever row. “Door open please if it’s just you and that boy.” That boy.

  “Mum, for God’s sake.”

  ‘Amber, downstairs now.” Mums face creases into its habitual scowl and I trail slowly down the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” I look at my feet.

  “I don’t like you and that boy being alone together.” She folds her arms across her chest. My eyes are drawn to the fact she has her dressing gown on. I don’t think I notice half the time. Has she even been dressed today?

  “Well nothing’s going to happen.”

  “Good, make sure it doesn’t. I don’t want you making mistakes, Amber. You need to think about your future.”

  Great it’s the ‘future’ chat, where mum tells me I’ve got to aim high, don’t let anyone distract me and most importantly don’t let myself down. Keep to my plan.

  “What sort of mistakes, Mum?” I keep my voice innocent.

  Her returning stare is detrimental and a little wild. “You know what I mean. I’ll speak to your father, he will put a stop to this.”

  I laugh outright. Like my dad would ever put a stop to anything. He spends his time brokering peace and trying to appease my mum so she doesn’t go off the deep-end. “Dad likes Freddy, he told me.” This isn’t strictly true but I’m going to run with it.

  “Well your Dad is no judge of character.” She turns and heads back into the lounge where the TV announces Eastenders is about to start. My lecture has been cut short by a Soap. “Door open, Amber.” She doesn’t turn back around with her warning and I watch her retreating patchwork figure. What did she mean by dad not being a good judge of character?

  I take the stairs two at a time and turn back into my room, making sure I softly shut the door. She won’t come up to check while her show is on. I force myself to meet Freddy’s gaze, even though I know he has heard everything that’s been said.

  “I’m sorry, Amber French,” he says, patting the bed beside him. “I didn’t mean to ruin your evening.

  I bounce on the bed and clamber over him until I’m straddled across his lap. Eastenders is half an hour long. I plan to make the best use of that time.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I say my voice pitching again into that tightened sensation of anticipation I get when I know I’m going to kiss him. And I do, the sweetest, slowest, most explorative kiss I can manage. My entire body hums with pleasure as I meld myself against him and his arms wrap around me tight, just like they did in the snow only a week ago.

  Eventually, and begrudgingly I pull away. “Now that is most definitely,” I peck his lips again for good measure, “not ruining my night.”

  “No?” His hands slide along my spine. Strong fingers, fingers that do stuff, fix stuff. Damn, that’s so s

  “Definitely not.” I assure him again as I roll to the side and snuggle into the crook of his arm, entwining my legs with his long ones. It makes me giggle. “Your legs are double the length of mine,” I observe.

  Freddy lifts his head and investigates. “I’m going to have to call you stumpy, Amber French.”

  I know him calling me by my full name all the time should be irritating, but it isn’t. I love it. Amber French, that’s me. I never got it before. It’s my name, and no one else's.

  I try and think of a come back but I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t come across as crude and make reference to his ‘man area,’ and as I haven’t been formally introduced to that area yet, I keep my jibe’s to myself. Not that I’m opposed to being introduced, the opposite in fact, and what I have felt, in passing moments, has made me all the more sure that an introduction should be made some time soon. I run my fingers under his T-shirt and jumper as I contemplate initiating the meeting, his muscles quiver under my touch and he pulls me close to him so he can kiss me again.

  What feels like hours later, my lips are tender and my skin is screaming with anticipation after his fingers have run along the clothes covering my body. Honestly, who created clothes? I could kill them.

  “So, about those boys Danni wanted to talk about?” His lips curve into a smile under my ear lobe and I lift my shoulder as my body responds to the feel of his breath on my neck.

  “Ugh.” I roll back onto the duvet. I should rename Danni the ‘Mood Killer’

  “You know,” he lifts on to an elbow and brushes his hair out of his eyes, “I’m still waiting for your boyfriend to turn up and tell me to get the hell out.”

  I laugh and give him a gentle thump on the arm. “I already told you a million times, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “And I already told you a million times, Amber French, I don’t understand why?”

  “Well why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

  He snorts and wiggles his toes in his socks, which is just downright adorable. “I just haven’t met the right girl yet, I guess.” His eyes are teasing and dazzling in their depth of blue, just begging me to jump in and drown.